Revolutionary Virtual Pageants

USA National Prelim Virtual Pageant

International Virtual Pageant

Because this is our first year hosting this, depending on the amount of entrants we receive will depend on how we navigate this competition. We hope that the International Virtual Pageant will grow large enough that we have enough contestants to hold this at this level. The USA National Prelim will be first one month before Nationals which will be September 2024. Internationals will be January 2025. If there is not enough International contestants, we will allow the USA winners from September 2024 (who’s titles will say 2025) compete for the International Competition in January 2026. However we do aim to have enough in each category form other Countries and Continents to hold it this season. Please read over the flyers carefully as we have put a lot of thought into this. We also want the value to still be there even though this is a Virtual Pageant in order to still create the same opportunities for those who have participation restrictions. Please take the time to read over the information on who is qualified to compete for these titles. There will be 4 divisions then split into 2 after that between Ms and Elite and Disabilities / Hardships. These are both umbrella terms for these two categories and include several other reasons why you could not participate in person past just have a hardship or disability. Hardships such as self-doubt, abuse, victim of bullying, loss of a loved one, job loss or disasters. We will be placing these restrictors in a separate division outside of having a disability yourself. Those with disabilities, extreme anxiety, disorders, PTSD, chronic illness and physical participation restrictors will be in this separate division.

We will respect all disability acts & HIPAA laws. Benefit verification letter, disability documentation, physicians letterhead & other methods TBD will be accepted to enter this division. See full rules on your contract or Titleholder Portal linked at the top on the menu drop down. We do understand that it is hard to get a diagnosis, so if you do not have documentation to prove your disability, we will speak to you on a case by case basis via private conversation to confirm.

Any violation or submissions that are false will result in disqualification without a refund. We are taking this competition very seriously. please be YOURSELF, authentic and share your truth.

There are 4 separate divisions as of now for the USA and America Title prelims. When you sign up in the USA, you will be assigned a State Title with a basic sash. You can upgrade your sash to a formal sash and or a formal sash with rhinestones for an additional cost. We are currently working this out for International Titles and will assign titles on a case by case basis from your applications. We will add Mx, Mr, Ms, Ms Woman, Mrs in the future if there is an interest. Right now, we have the following below that are any marital status and again will increase the titles as we grow. Titles that States will be vying for September 2024 are as follows:

Ms 21-49 with a disability would be Ms Revolutionary Purpose USA 
Elite 50+ with a disability would be Ms Revolutionary Purpose USA Elite
Ms  21-49 with a hardship, caretaker, caregiver would be Ms Revolutionary “TBA” America
Elite 50+ with a hardship, caretaker, caregiver would be Ms Revolutionary “TBA” America Elite 
We understand that having a disability or a hardship may cause financial instability. We are here to help give you the tools to gain sponsorships. We hope in the future this will be an application and fully funded by scholarships to compete. Until then, in order for us to produce this competition, we do have entry fees at this time. They are lower than in person entry fees however they still do come with a crown, welcome box, 1 full page ad in the program book for our in person competition, tote bag, sponsored items and more. The National level titles or Countries will automatically come with the formal sash and upgraded crown. We hope to see this flourish for those who cannot compete in person. Again with that said, we will review each application on a case by case basis. Any false information provided on the subject of not being able to participate in person will result in an immediate disqualification without a refund. Please be yourself, share your story and be as authentic as you can. No comparison judging.
We currently do not have a non-compete with these titles. However, we may add a non-compete for those who win the International titles in January 2025. We will announce that information shortly. But all States and Countries as of now, there is not a non-compete.

Competition Categories for USA & International