1 Full Page Program Book Ad comes with every entry fee. To purchase additional, please contact us by email and adding this to your cart. Make sure you are filling out the order form under your name so we can pair the payment with the program ad. All ad inquires can be emailed to Hello@RevolutionaryPageants.com Specs are 8.5×11 with a quarter inch bleed. Sizing is subject to change. Must be print ready when submitting. Graphic Design is an extra $50, but can be added if you rather us design the ad for you. If it asks you to add shipping, just select Free Shipping since this item will not be shipped as it is the amount for 1 page in the Program Book. If you request a copy of the book to be mailed, please contact us. We prefer CMYK, but if you send in RGB, we will convert it at no cost for printing. Email is to request this PSD template but if not, just send specs with a quarter inch bleed in a file size of 300 dpi 8.5×11 inches. Thank You!
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