This Entry Fee is for the Optional competition of Talent that is open to the public for our friends, guests, family or sponsors. Finals will be held at both Nationals and Internationals for the Top 3 that advance from the Virtual Qualifier which serves as a prelim. Be sure to complete your optionals sign up form before or after completing your payment so we have record of your enrollment into this competition. No refunds. If you need us to invoice you instead via Square, please let us know as you also can take advantage of using After Pay that way for your optionals or add-ons. Please make sure to list your division and when you are competing on the sign up form.
Travel is NOT included so please make sure you can attend that city finals when entering.
Public Virtual Talent Qualifiers open for Non-Titleholders September 2024. Top 3 will advance to the in-person finals in Nashville at Nationals October 2024.
Public Virtual Talent Qualifiers open for Non-Titleholders January 2024. Top 3 will advance to the in-person finals in Las Vegas at Internationals February 2025.
The only exception for this as titleholder to compete is the Ambassador title is allowed to enter the Public Vegas Talent competition and any State Titleholders who did not win the USA title who are still coming to Internationals to watch or support, they can also enter this public competition.
Talent open for INTL level contestants in-person in Nashville at Nationals October 2024 in a separate division. (International Titleholders only + Ambassador & Diplomat)
Talent open for International Virtual contestants January 2025.
Talent open at International finals for contestants only in-person in Las Vegas February 2025.
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